Now this might sound obvious, but how often have you avoided checking your bank balance before a night out. I’ve been known to (gasp) put my hand over the screen when my balance flashes up. Sometimes you really just don’t want to know. Especially not if you know you had a big night out at the weekend. And that’s fine, as long as it doesn’t become a habit. You should know to the nearest hundred how much money you have. You know what’s worse than your face falling when you realise you’ve spent too much? The sinking feeling when you try and take money out and you’ve spent it all a week before pay day.
Set up text message alerts
Most banks these days will text you at a certain limit on your account. Most banks will text you every day if you ask them. This is key to you knowing where your money is going. I forget a lot of things I buy, and I don’t think I’m alone. You go to the shop to buy biscuits, you buy three magazines and a packet of cigarettes and pop it all on your card. But you only remember the biscuits and have no idea where your money is going. Even a weekly text alert is better than guessing. Your brain will only ever guess in your favour. Your brain is almost always wrong.
Write down your online spending
Get a massive pen and piece of paper. Stick it above your desk. Every time you spend online, write this down and tot up at the end of the week. When we’re not actually handing over any cash, or physically paying for something, I think we forget that we’re spending money at all. By writing it down and having it staring you in the face, you’ll remember. And possibly think twice about that extra pair of shoes. You’ll also remember those little extras like delivery charges that we don’t factor into our spending.
Set up standing orders
Standing orders mean that you know where your money is going, as well as when it comes in. It’s not easy for me to deal with standing orders – as I’ve mentioned, I don’t always know when I’m getting paid. But if I can keep track of where my money is going, I won’t get a massive shock when I think I’m rich on minute and the landlady is calling me the next day to find out where the rent is. This has happened. It’s not fun. This way you control what day your cash is leaving your account.
Use cash
Want to really keep track of your money? Take cash out instead of using your cards. Once you know how much cash you’re taking out this week, you’ll be more aware of where it’s going. Banks and technology are doing their very best to make spending simple. But it’s a really issue if you’re trying to stick to a budget and I’m going back to cold hard cash for a while.
What are your tips for keeping up with your finances? Do you know how much money is in your account?