Monday, October 8, 2012


So, two “WHEN” questions: WHEN am I going to get a REAL rate on my certificate, and WHEN will the economy around here get back to normal?  The UN-clever and UN-funny answer we need to consider is that for practical considerations, this is the new Reality.
I have to consider things like this when planning for the credit union and reluctantly, I’m forced to look at things in Michigan, the nation and the effects of the current international economic situation. Though the unemployment rate in Michigan is easing. The Euro market is teetering (technical term) and may face the loss of some members. The 10-year T-Bill is at historical lows; currently around 1.5%, with possibilities of going lower and few expectations of going materially higher. The relative magic of the 10-year T-Bill is that mortgage loan rates are generally tied to it and it is telling us, “Stop worrying about inflation for the next five to ten years.”  Ergo, nothing is going up for at least five years, if not longer.
Kind of a downer, especially for us Boomers dependent upon savings rates, but there are some rays-of-light and positive perspectives to consider. First, we are actually in a recovery. Not an exciting one but things are going in the right direction, albeit slowly. Second, things around here are relatively stable and that’s good because you should be able to make some decisions to help you optimize the circumstances instead of waiting for a complete collapse.
I hate saying this, but you should be looking to pay down or payoff your borrowings. Yes, at the credit union, but look at the other loans you have at that “other place” and see if the credit union can get you a better rate. We refinance vehicles, mortgages and personal loans. Are you paying fees on your checking account? You should be talking to our branch staff to see if you can close that second checking account at the “other place” and take advantage of Sterling Van Dyke Credit Union's CORE relationship advantages that not only provide you with free services, but interest rate bumps on loans and certificates too. You should consider moving some of your extra money back into certificates to get any type of rate advantage. Many members have let maturing certificate drop into their regular savings or money market account. Even if it is only a five or ten basis point advantage, why wouldn’t you grab it? Get your CORE account bump. Consider longer and multiple terms on your certificates and “laddering” multiple certificates maturities to increase the overall yield while preserving liquidity. Remember to keep a six month cushion in liquidity for tires, insurance and the little emergencies. Consider letting our Financial Advisor look at your longer term alternatives.
We have a ways to go, but remember that you belong to a NOT-FOR-PROFIT credit union that is established for the benefit of its members – not a bank where the goal is to maximize how much they can get out of you. Take advantage of every opportunity your credit union offers. We’re with you for life, and all its realities.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Women to Watch 2012: An In-Depth Look at the Industry Supporters


When Credit Union Times first launched the Women to Watch program, we wanted to focus on those women working within credit unions. It’s been an honor to be able to recognize those who challenge the status quo and push creative solutions to address what ails their credit union and oftentimes, the industry as a whole.
What we discovered is that it is just as important to shine the spotlight on those women who have been tirelessly dedicated to providing support to credit unions. The list is far from complete, but we thought this Women to Watch focus report would be a good start to showcase those who choose to champion the credit union mission every day.
A brief look at each of our honorees appeared in our Oct. 3 print edition. Here are detailed profiles of each of these industry leaders. Click "next" at the bottom of each page through the following slide show to see them all.

Continue Reading by clicking here.

Blog by Sterling Van Dyke Credit Union.